Why the Oasis Reunion is Good News for Short-Term Let Landlords

Oasis Reunion Liam and Noel On Stage

The Oasis reunion is set to be one of the most highly anticipated events of the decade, drawing thousands of fans from across the globe to celebrate one of Manchester’s most iconic bands. But beyond the excitement of seeing Liam and Noel Gallagher back on stage, the reunion presents a golden opportunity for short-term let landlords in and around Manchester.


Here’s why the Oasis reunion is set to be a big win for short-term property investors and landlords:


High Demand for Accommodation

With Manchester expected to host multiple shows as part of the Oasis reunion tour, the city is bracing for a surge in visitor numbers. Hotels will quickly reach capacity, and that’s where short-term lets step in to fill the gap. For landlords, this influx of fans means higher occupancy rates and the ability to charge premium prices due to the heightened demand. Events of this scale always drive up the need for flexible accommodation, making short-term lets a top choice for many visitors.

Premium Pricing During Event Season

Concerts like the Oasis reunion don’t happen every day, and fans are willing to pay a premium to be part of the experience. This opens up the opportunity for landlords to adjust their pricing to reflect the event's impact on demand. Short-term let properties in desirable locations close to the venue or in popular areas of Manchester can see significant price increases for the duration of the tour dates. 


Dynamic Pricing Maximizes Revenue Potential

One of the key strategies that short-term let landlords can leverage during the Oasis reunion is dynamic pricing. This flexible pricing model allows property owners to adjust their rates in real-time based on demand fluctuations, which will be particularly high leading up to and during the concert dates. By utilizing dynamic pricing, landlords can set higher nightly rates as demand for accommodation skyrockets around the event.

For short-term let properties, the Oasis reunion presents a prime opportunity to significantly increase the Average Daily Rate (ADR). This increase in ADR not only boosts immediate profits but also has the potential to raise overall revenue for the year. Instead of relying on flat or static pricing, dynamic pricing tools can help landlords stay competitive and maximize income during peak periods such as concerts, festivals, and other high-traffic events.

With dynamic pricing, landlords ensure they’re not leaving money on the table during peak demand, while still maintaining competitive rates that attract guests during off-peak times. This strategy enhances revenue potential for short-term let properties throughout the entire year, not just during high-profile events like the Oasis reunion.

Luxury accommodation with cream furniture and bat window

Extended Stays & Repeat Bookings

While the gigs themselves are the main attraction, many fans, especially those from out of town, will be looking to make a weekend (or even a week) of their stay in Manchester. This presents an opportunity for landlords to attract guests looking for longer stays, ensuring a consistent stream of income over multiple days. Beyond that, positive guest experiences during the reunion could result in repeat bookings for future trips, as Manchester continues to be a popular destination for music and culture enthusiasts.

Increased Exposure for Your Property

With an international audience flocking to Manchester for the reunion, landlords have a unique chance to showcase their properties to a wider market. Guests from outside the UK might choose to return for other events, holidays, or business trips, especially if they’ve had a great stay. A well-managed short-term let property can generate excellent reviews, which can boost future bookings even after the event.

picture of bridge and office buildings in Deansgate Manchester

Boost for the Local Economy

The Oasis reunion isn't just great for the band’s fans – it's also a boost for Manchester’s local economy. Restaurants, bars, shops, and other local attractions will be bustling with activity, creating a vibrant atmosphere that makes the city even more appealing to visitors. This added attraction only enhances the desirability of staying in Manchester short-term, especially in well-located properties that allow easy access to the concert venues and city highlights.

The Oasis reunion is more than just a trip down memory lane for fans; it’s a fantastic business opportunity for short-term let landlords in Manchester. With higher demand, premium pricing potential, and increased exposure, property investors can capitalize on one of the year’s biggest events and benefit from the ripple effect it will create in the local economy. So, if you have a property in or around Manchester, now’s the time to prepare for an influx of guests ready to experience the magic of Oasis live once again!



The Oasis reunion offers a significant revenue opportunity for short-term let landlords, especially when combined with dynamic pricing strategies. By adjusting nightly rates in real-time based on increased demand, landlords can boost their Average Daily Rate (ADR) and maximize revenue during peak periods like the concert dates. This flexible pricing approach ensures properties remain competitive and profitable year-round, while capitalizing on major events to significantly increase annual income.


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Black and White picture of Liam and Noel Gallagher on stage in front of a crowd